Viola canina, SE: Ängsviol, DE: Hunds-Veilchen,
NL: Hondsviooltje, UK: Heath Dog-violet or Heath Violet

Scientific name:  Viola canina L.
Synonym name:  Viola montana L.
Swedish name:  Ängsviol, hundviol, norrlandsviol
German name:  Hunds-Veilchen
Nederlandse naam:  Hondsviooltje
English name:  Heath Dog-violet, Heath Violet
Family:   Violaceae, Violväxter

Flowers in Sweden

Life form:  Herbaceous perennial
Stems:  Height 8–40 cm, leafy, limp–ascending–erect, branched–branchless
Leaves:  Basal leaf-rosette absent; leaves ovate to narrowly ovate and longer than broad
Flowers:  Rather broad pale blue petals that are slightly overlapping, two of the petals on the upside and three are on the downside; whitish-yellow spur; unscented flowers
Flowering Period:  May, June
Fruits:  3-valved capsule
Habitat:  Throughout the country, heaths, fens, and moist woodlands, especially on acidic soils.

Vilda blommor i Sverige

Derivation of the botanical name:
Viola, a classical Latin name for violets.
canina, of or pertaining to a dog; canine; of dogs; Dog-violet probably suggests that this violet was thought to be inferior to the scented violet.
montana, pertaining to mountains.
  • The standard author abbreviation L. is used to indicate Carl Linnaeus (1707 – 1778), a Swedish botanist, physician, and zoologist, the father of modern taxonomy.

Flowers in Sweden

Zweden Bloemen Natuur